Søren Hauge

The Wild Alliance: Awakening Your Inner Angel and Sidhe

In this book Søren Hauge writes eloquently and forcefully about our natural human allies, the angels and the Sidhe. He offers not only a vision of who and what they are but practical suggestions on how we can meet them in the proffered possibilities of partnership, finding in the process the angel and the Sidhe within our own nature. 132 pages

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Call of the Sidhe

This book honors two of the great Irish poets, William Butler Yeats and George William Russell (AE). At the same time it highlights the reality of the Sidhe (or Faery). It is a joy of to bring attention to these two notable souls and their outstanding contributions to Faery connections. The hope is to create an awareness of the partnerships we can make with our close relatives in the Otherworld as we unfold our own inner and mostly forgotten Sidhe-nature. In collaboration, we can contribute to the healing of our stressed planetary home and in the process help restore ourselves to wholeness.