Don Nichol

TREES: Guardians of the Earth
Views from the Inner World of Nature

"Books about the nature of trees and their vital role in our world's ecology are plentiful. What makes this book stand out is that Don presents a fuller picture of the role and importance of trees than do most other volumes on the same topic. The reason is that he sees trees as both physical and spiritual entities. They are participants in and contributors to both the physical ecology in which they are rooted and a "subtle" energy ecology that surrounds and connects everything in the world. The existence of this subtle ecology sounds strange to modern ears, but only because in the midst of our technology, we have lost an awareness of the larger dimensions of life that surround us. The non-physical environment is not a ghostly place of phantoms and fantasies. It is a domain of life. It is an ecology of subtle connections that act like the bloodstream of the planet, circulating vital energies that contribute to the health and well-being of nature in its entirety, including ourselves. When these currents are obstructed or broken, problems arise the same as when the flow of blood is blocked in our bodies. In this case, the problems are energetic, but they can manifest in physical and psychological ways that affect us all. As Don points out, remove the trees and there is an emptiness, not only physically, but energetically as well. Sources of inner support have vanished, and people's lives are diminished in the process."

David Spangler, author and Spiritual teacher.

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Trees, Earth's Guardians:
How Trees Can Help Save the Planet:
Views from Science and the Subtle Realms

This book celebrates trees, but takes us far beyond most viewpoints offered on the topic. Here, Don Nichol marshals the latest scientific research as well as ancient insights to reveal the crucial contribution of trees--how they benefit in so many ways the physical world where they're rooted and the subtle energetic realm that connects everything on Planet Earth. Citing science, traditional wisdom and the experiences of some remarkable people, Don draws attention to the interconnectedness of all living things and to the endless and indispensable roles of trees in preserving life on Earth.

This book contains 188 pages with forty-four beautiful black and white photos.

To order through click on the image. This book is also available through Barnes and Noble and other booksellers.