Karen Johannsen

Full Moon Magic: Invoking Spiritual Energies
for Personal and Planetary Transformation

This book offers practical esoteric information about meditative practices at the time of the full moon. It is an inviting and easy way to work with the heightened spiritual energies over a five-day period each month and use them for personal and planetary transformation. When rhythmically aligned with the cycles of the moon, meditation profoundly affects one’s personal life, and also has an uplifting influence upon humanity as a whole.

The meditations found in Full Moon Magic are wisely designed and beautifully presented. They offer individuals, and groups, a well-structured program for monthly full-moon meditations, as well as a deep and meaningful understanding of the transformational energies available through each of the signs of the zodiac.

Starseed Publications.

To order through Barnes and Noble click on the image or here. This book is also available through Amazon.com and other booksellers.

My Gentle Musings

This book offers a deep look at a variety of real-life experiences, and how to better understand them from a spiritual perspective within the immediacy of one’s life. Part memoir, part journal, the author shares her personal experiences and spiritual lessons contained within them. Filled with a rich assortment of helpful ideas and perspectives.

After the publication of Karen Johannsen's first book and card deck, "Full Moon Magic", the idea of writing a blog seemed a natural way to generate interest in it. She soon realized that she loved writing it. It felt organic and real as she began just chronicling her journey, the challenges, and the lessons. Those blog posts comprise the essence of this second book, "My Gentle Musings". They follow her journey from the ages of seventy to seventy-six. As you read, she hopes you will see how the Soul has directed her life in a way that brought her face-to-face with challenges that needed to be met mindfully and opportunities that graced her life through synchronicities and magic. The hope is that through her words you, too, may recognize the promptings of your own Soul, and find the courage to follow it wherever it leads you.

To order through Barnes and Noble.com click on the image. This book is also available through Amazon.com and other booksellers.